Yan Dubord Massage Therapist Piercer –
Massages that hurt but feel good and pain-free body Piercings

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Yan Dubord Massage Therapist Piercer’s studios are one of the rare places in Montreal where when you decide to go there, you become nervous at the idea of finding yourself there. Because you know exactly that a little pain awaits you there.

Even though the excitement of being there is great, once you’re there, you’re less enthusiastic about living the moment and cannot wait to be done.

Whatever the reason is, a visit with Yan Dubord Massage Therapist for a massage or Yan Dubord Piercer for a piercing. At the end of your journey, in addition to feeling wonderful and having a sense of well-being, you will be satisfied, proud of yourself, and pleased with your accomplishments.

After that, it is also likely that you too will say that Yan Dubord Massage Therapist Piercer gives massages that hurt, but feel good and does gentle and pain-free piercings.

Here’s 5 reasons to come to Montreal to see Yan Dubord Massage Therapist Piercer for a massage or a piercing.


Orange crosses formed by two Xs one next to the other.
Icon in the shape of a prohibition sign with inside a gun that some non-professional people use to pierce ears and others, all to demonstrate that Yan Dubord Massotherapeute Piercing is a professional and that he does not use this type of instrument.

Call now! (514)358-3456
Or send SMS to book an appointment!
Otherwise by email at : info@yandubord.ca
Or on the contact page.


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Yan Dubord Massotherapist Piercer gives a head massage to a 7 year old girl while offering an excellent Montreal massage price at home and on the South Shore for families.
Yan Massage Therapist shows us his experience in Montreal while he is in action during a deep tissue massage with a photo with a blue filter.
Yan Massage Therapist Piercer performs a very deep enveloping therapeutic back massage to one of his clients in downtown Montreal.


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Yan Dubord Massage Therapist Piercer in Montreal performs a Helix Piercing at home in the Saint-Henri district.
This image shows us Yan Dubord Massotherapeute Piercer between the legs of a woman while he pierces a female genital piercing and the image of a cartoon cat with a surprised look is there to hide the private parts.
Yan Dubord Massage Therapist Piercer is at a client for an in-home nipple piercing in Montreal and can see the young man lying on a kitchen table.


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Downtown Montreal
Downtown Montreal- Yan Dubord Massotherapeute Perceur
A short walk from the entrance to the village on St Catherine St East corner Saint-Hubert in the heart of the metropolis. A Professional Massage Therapy Studio and Body Piercing Shop is located across from Place Émilie-Gamelin.

Moreover, located next door to Berri-UQAM metro station, you can reach it from anywhere via the yellow, green, and orange lines.

Located in Rosemont La Petite-Patrie
Located in Rosemont La Petite-Patrie- Titan Piercing Montreal | Body Piercing en Douceur
Close to Plaza St-Hubert in Rosemont La Petite-Patrie. On de Lanaudiere St, Yan transformed his apartment’s entrance and living room into a Massage Studio and Body Piercing Shop.

In brief, several nearby bike paths and metro stations make the place easy to reach: Beaubien, Jean-Talon, Fabre. Note that street parking is easy and free.

At your home
At your home- Yan Dubord Perçage - Massage à Domicile à Montréal
For those of you who can’t attend Yan Dubord Massage Therapist Piercer’s Montreal studios. It shouldn’t be a problem for him to do Body Piercing at your home since he already does massages at home. No matter where you live, ask if your project is feasible.

“ No matter how many clients I have, every one of them receives exactly the same quality massage as if he were my first. It’s my goal to give clients the type of massage that I enjoy receiving. In detail, the massage is a combination of deep tissue, enveloping and therapeutic massages that are deeply relaxing at the same time.”


Visit my piercing prices list to get the prices!
Send a text message for questions! (514)358-3456
Or to book an appointment!
By email at: info@yandubord.ca

However, you can visit Titan Piercing Montreal for more info or directly book your piercing appointment!
By email at: info@yandubord.ca

Reviews of Yan Massage Therapist for his deep tissue massages!

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“Professional and courteous, discrete and precise, Yan’s sense of diagnostic is spot on. Strong but gentle, a fabulous treatment for your body & mind. Takes awesome care of kids as well. Yan Massage Therapist haven’t changed since 2012.”
– Maha Lebbos

“I recommend Yan’s services without hesitation. As a massage therapist, Yan stands out from the crowd, not only for his professionalism, but also for his courtesy, his energizing personality that transmits during the massage. Yan Massage Therapist applies his massage technique with strong and constant pressure throughout the treatment.”
– Gabriel Serrano

Reviews for Yan Piercer for his gentle and painless piercings!

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“I loved the experience with Yan… He took such great care of me…and his sense of humor is crisp. Thank you for the last minute reservation. I’m happy with my ear piercing.”
– Andrée D’Amours

“I went to get my 5 year old daughter’s earlobe pierced and Yan really managed to put her in confidence. He offered to play her favorite song, was happy to answer his endless questions and explained to him everything about the piercing process. I highly recommend his services!”

– Aud Guil

News and blog posts!

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Banner image of Yan Dubord Massage therapist piercer where we see the professional standing next to a massage table and on his right we see two of his logos with his slogan - Massages that hurt but feel good and painless body piercings.
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  1. Get a second piercing for half price.
  2. Get 30 minutes of massage with the purchase of a 60-minute massage.